Jatiya Oikya Front on Friday demanded the election commission reschedule the election in the seats where its candidates have been declared ineligible by court,
reports UNB.The BNP-led alliance made the demand at a press conference at its Purana Paltan office in the afternoon.
Reading out a written statement, Oikya Front leader Jaglul Haider Afrik also alleged that police have now become their rivals
in the forthcoming 11thparliamentary elections.He demanded that the controversial police officials be withdrawn immediately and replaced with neutral ones.
As many as 15 Oikyafront candidates have got their election bid curbed by the apex court on various grounds.
The BNP and alliance leaders whose candidature has so far been either stayed or annulled by the court are Faridul Kabir
Talukdar Shamim (Jamalpur-4), Fazlur Rahman (Joypurhat-1), Abu Sayeed Chan (Rajshahi-6) Salek Chowdhury (Naogaon-1), Abdul Muhith Talukder (Bogura-3),
Md Moslem Uddin (Brahmanbaria-4), Manjurul Islam (Natore-1, KSJL), SA Jinnah Kabir (Manikganj-1),Khandker Abu Ashfaq (Dhaka-1), Tamijuddin (Dhaka-20),
Afroza Khan Rita (Manikganj-3),Morshed Milton (Bogura-7), MA Hannan (Chandpur4), Abdul Makjid (Jhenidah-2),Tahsina Rushdir Luna (Sylhet-2) and Rasheduzzaman Millat (Jamalpur-1).